Are You Serving the Right God?

This post is a continuation of the previous one so if you’re yet to, be sure to read that one first. In that post, I make the case that the most effective way to teach our children (and wards/disciples) to have the fear of the Lord is simply by possessing it ourselves. After all, we […]
Obedience is Better than Good Intentions

In our post-modern world, and particularly in the West, we have a tendency to trivialize practically anything. Whether it’s in our appearances and how we dress/present ourselves or how we address authority figures, or how we communicate or how to relate to our superiors, formalities have steadily been forced to give way to more lax, overly […]
You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have!

In the previous post we established (hopefully) how priceless it is to be able to gift our children (or wards or disciples) with the fear of God. I also clarified that we don’t merely seek the wisdom coupled with fearing God simply as a means to garner our hearts desires. The “everything else” that is […]
Is There a Better Gift?

I’m about to ask you two very important questions. You’ll have to promise me that you’ll answer them as honestly and thoughtfully as possible. Okay here they go: Are your answers to both questions the same? Was there any major differences? Okay so technically that made four questions huh?! We’re just not gonna count the […]